Forever Destiny Read online

Page 15

  Here it comes, thought Lorenzo.

  “Rumor has it that you and Valeria are married!” Billy exclaimed, laughing uncontrollably. “Isn’t that the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever heard? Somebody must’ve been on booze or drugs to make that one up!”

  “It’s true,” Lorenzo said quietly.


  “It’s true, Billy.”

  “What do you mean it’s true?” Billy questioned, still not comprehending.

  “We’re married.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Lorenzo let out an exasperated noise. “What I just said.”

  “You couldn’t have said what I thought I heard. I thought I heard you say that you and Valeria are married.”

  “You heard right.”

  “No, I couldn’t have heard right,” Billy insisted, still with disbelief.

  “Valeria and I are married.”


  “Billy,” Lorenzo snapped. “We’re married.”

  “I don’t understand.”


  “I . . . I don’t . . . I . . .”

  “I know it’s a big surprise.”

  “That’s an understatement,” Billy mumbled.

  “Life is like that—full off surprises,” remarked Lorenzo with irritated spikes in his tone.

  “What about Kate?”

  “We broke up a while back,” Lorenzo announced defensively.

  “You did?”

  “Yes,” affirmed Lorenzo.

  “But you never told me.”

  “I kept it private.”


  “I needed to come to terms with it on my own,” Lorenzo stated, the irritated spikes in his voice becoming harsher.

  “Kate is no longer living with you?”

  “No, it would be kind of crowded with my wife living with me.”

  “Valeria already moved in with you?”

  “Of course. We’re married.”

  “How long had you and Valeria been seeing each other,” Billy asked suspiciously.

  “I didn’t cheat on Kate if that’s what you’re asking,” Lorenzo blurted angrily.

  “I’m not asking you that,” Billy blurted.

  “Of course you are,” Lorenzo said dryly. “Cheating isn’t my style and you know it.”

  Billy nodded, his face still confused. “Yeah.”

  “Valeria and I just slipped into a relationship.”

  “Slipped into a relationship?” he questioned incredulously.


  “But she wouldn’t have anything to do with me,” Billy snapped with frustration.

  “You weren’t the right man for her.”

  “And you are?”

  “Obviously I am if she married me,” stated Lorenzo, his arms crossed in front of him.

  “She never even gave me a chance,” he blurted bitterly.

  Lorenzo shrugged his shoulders. “That’s how it goes.”

  “How did it happen between the two of you? I thought you never wanted to get married.”

  “Things change.”

  “I still don’t see why she preferred you over me,” Billy said, pouting.

  Lorenzo shrugged his shoulders. “I’m the lucky one.”

  Chapter 47

  After arriving home from school, Valeria quickly headed straight to the bathroom. Don't vomit yet. Don't vomit on the floor. Don't vomit on the furniture. Especially don't vomit on Lorenzo. He was trailing after her with a concerned look. She fortunately made it to the toilet where whatever was in her stomach, which wasn’t much, came up on her with excruciating force. Spasms contracted with harsh violence. Lorenzo rubbed her back and murmured soothing words. She would've much rather been alone in this gross experience. She wanted to blurt that he should immediately leave the bathroom, but the nausea overpowered her, and his capable presence and touch comforted her.

  “Are you okay?” he asked gently.

  “I’m fine,” she rushed.

  He nodded. “I’ll get some crackers for you.”

  When he stepped out, she rinsed her mouth with mouthwash and stepped into her bedroom where she sat on the bed. This nausea won’t be forever, she told herself. If only he didn’t have to see her this state, in such an unpleasant way. She managed a weak smile when Lorenzo returned with the crackers.

  “This should settle your stomach,” he stated.

  As she chewed the crackers, she averted her eyes from his steady gaze, concern and caring in them. He was certainly living up to his promises. He was a man of his word. Having gone with her to the doctor and asked one question after another about the pregnancy, he became attractive in a completely new way. His good looks were fast becoming insignificant compared to what he carried inside.

  “You should leave,” she finally managed to say.


  “I don't want you anywhere near my reprocessed food.”

  His face formed a question mark. “Why?”

  “Do you really have to ask?”

  “I don't see what the problem is in helping you through this.”

  “Now you're going to tell me that vomit is sexy?” she questioned, challenging him.

  “Of course not.”

  “Then why do you want to be with me when I throw up? You should be grossed out.”

  He chuckled darkly. “Valeria, I'm going to experience this with you whether you like it or not.”

  The moment became too intimate for her with his unwavering stare steadily on her. “What’s the nice smell?” she asked, changing the subject and noticing for the first time a pleasant aroma in the house.

  “Flowers,” he stated sheepishly.


  “You’ve been feeling so bad that I came during lunch and put some flowers in vases all over the house,” he explained, embarrassed. “I thought they’d cheer you up.”

  Valeria's smile lit up her whole face. “Thank you.”

  “Do you need anything else? A glass of water maybe?” he asked, his dark eyes pulling her in.

  “No, thank you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I think I’ll take a nap,” Valeria announced.

  He nodded. “Get as much rest as you can. Call me if you need anything.”

  “I will.”

  Laying her head on a pillow, she dozed off as soon as he left. But her comfort didn’t last long when she abruptly woke up with a start. What she had been trying to hide underneath the folds of her thoughts came at her, fast and furious like a bull out of its pen. Stress ate at her peace of mind. Valeria hadn’t told Lorenzo that she had been doing research on the internet. She hadn't told him what she had found out. She hadn't shared her anxieties with him. The first trimester—the first four months were when most miscarriages occurred. And especially at her age, this information wasn’t to be taken too lightly.

  A few days later, as soon as Lorenzo saw Valeria’s ashen face, he knew something was wrong. She had rushed to him in the living room where he graded papers. He tried to keep an even face as he patiently waited for her to speak. She couldn't seem to be able to string words together.

  “What’s wrong?” he finally asked, trying to be gentle.

  "We need to get to a doctor."

  “What’s wrong?” he repeated with greater firmness.

  Valeria's fearful eyes made him lose his calm.

  “Valeria, I need you to tell me what’s wrong,” he said, sharper than he intended.

  “Let's go. “

  “Nor until you tell me what's wrong.” He declared..

  “I’m spotting.”

  Chapter 48

  Lorenzo forced himself to keep his voice serene. “It'll be okay.”

  The fifteen minute ride to the doctors office was the longest ride either one of them had ever taken. Patients filled the plain waiting room but Lorenzo paid very little attention to what surrounded him.
As soon as Doctor Urtiaga checked Valeria, he informed them that she was fine.

  “If you keep spotting, call me, especially if it’s heavy,” Doctor Urtiaga said.

  On the drive home, Lorenzo noticed how visibly relieved Valeria’s facial expression was. His was too for that matter.

  After having arrived from the doctor, Valeria had taken a comforting nap. No longer so stressed, she found she actually dozed off without a problem. The baby is fine, she kept telling herself as she plummeted into a deep sleep. It was only when she felt a presence in the room that she started fluttering her eyes open. Her vision immediately focused on Lorenzo who was standing next to her and peering anxiously down.

  “I’m sorry I woke you up. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “I’m sorry,” he repeated. “I’ll leave. Please go back to sleep.”

  “Don’t leave,” Valeria blurted.


  She sat up and patted the spot next to her. “Sit down.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to get some more rest?”

  “I’d like to talk to you.”

  “What about?” he asked with concern as he sat down.

  “I’ve been a little stressed.”

  “I’ve noticed,” he stated. “What's been worrying you?”

  “The baby.”

  “The baby?”

  “I’m not a spring chicken anymore, Lorenzo. What if the baby isn’t healthy?”

  “Valeria, more and more women are having babies at a later age,” he stated, his voice soothing and comforting to her.

  “I know but it’s different when it’s happening to you.”

  “The doctor said that everything is fine.”

  “But he doesn’t know for sure about the health of our baby, does he?” she asked quietly.

  He sighed and put his strong, warm arms around her. “I think you need to stop worrying.”


  “Stop worrying. Stop. Stress is the worse thing for you and the baby.”

  She breathed out. “You’re right.”

  “Besides, whatever happens, we’ll face it together, okay?”

  Valeria nodded. “Okay.”

  “I promised you I’d be here for you, and I keep my promises.”

  “I know you do,” she uttered quietly.

  “You can bank on my word.”

  “It’s not that I doubt you. It’s just that . . .”


  “I was so scared,” she expressed, gathering strength from his presence.

  “With the spotting?”

  “Yes, I thought I was going to lose the baby.”

  “I was scared too,” he stated, sincerity flooding his eyes.

  “You were?”

  “Yes, of course. Why do you even ask?”

  “This baby wasn’t exactly planned for.”

  “Do you honestly think that I would want you to have a miscarriage?” he asked, frustrated spikes in his voice.

  “I just wasn’t sure what to think.”

  “Well don’t think for me,” he blurted before he had a chance at stopping the harsh reaction.

  “I’m sorry,” she stated. “It’s just been such an overwhelming time for me.”

  “I know,” he said, calming down. “It’s been overwhelming for me too.”

  She nodded as she caressed his cheek. “Since I’m the one carrying the baby, I forget that you're also trying to cope with everything.”

  Lorenzo’s eyes dug deeply into hers as his hands cradled her face. “We’ll do this one day at a time.”

  “Yes, one day at a time.”

  “And you won’t keep any of your worries to yourself anymore, will you?” he asked in more of a demanding tone than a request.

  “No, I’ll share them with you,” she said, snuggling deep into the warmth of his hands and wishing for more of him.

  “Yes,” he stated, “share with me.”

  Lorenzo quietly laid back on the headboard and brought her to his chest. Caressing her hair, he murmured, “Now get some rest. I'm here for you.” It didn't take long for her to deeply doze off with his touch on her.

  When Lorenzo awoke in the morning, he rapidly climbed out of bed, making certain he didn’t wake Valeria. They had slept in each other's arms. It had felt like the most natural of experiences to him. He took one penetrating look at her before stepping out the door.

  She is so beautiful, he thought to himself. Her wild hair over the pillow, her light rhythmic breathing, and her flushed face were stamped in his memory. He quickly changed his clothes in his room. With a deep fervor, he stepped outside the back door. Mowing the yard, he put his whole force into it. He didn’t notice when Valeria stepped up behind him.

  “Good morning!” she greeted, trying to talk above the loud sound the lawn mower was making.

  Startled, Lorenzo accidentally pulled his hands away from the mower, stopping its power.

  “I didn’t mean to sneak up on you,” she continued.

  “Good morning,” he said, shiny perspiration coming down his skin.

  “I thought you had just done this a few days ago?”

  He cleared his throat. “Yes, but I didn’t do a very good job.”


  "I like doing yard work."

  Valeria nodded. “I just wanted to tell you that I’m making pancakes. Would you like some?” she asked.


  “Okay,” she smiled as she got ready to walk away.

  “Wait,” he said.


  “Last night . . .” His voice trailed with unexpressed words.


  “I just wanted to tell you that I liked sleeping with you in my arms,” he asserted sheepishly.

  Valeria smiled. “I liked sleeping in your arms.”

  “Good,” he said, his intent stare firmly on her.

  Valeria broke the odd spell, not being able to stand the heated intensity any longer. “Would you like pancakes with pecans or plain?” she asked awkwardly.

  “I’ll take them any way you make them.”


  “I'm sure they'll be the best pancakes I've ever had.” He quietly but intently stared after her as she walked away.

  Chapter 49

  As soon as they stepped into her parents' home, Valeria distinctly felt she was in a paranormal zone. A peculiar vibe in the air. Had her parents been replaced by pod people? They looked the same, but their behavior was peculiar. Her mom and dad, who only a few short weeks ago were bruised beyond any reasoning about her having gotten married in Acapulco, were now the friendliest people on earth. A tiny baby growing inside of her had created this miracle. She couldn’t get over it.

  “Would you like anything to drink, Lorenzo?” asked Mr. Loya.


  “How about a Coke?”

  “I’d love some plain water. I worked all morning on the yard, and it was very hot.”

  “I can tell you’re a hard worker,” Mr. Loya stated, pleased.

  Lorenzo smiled in an embarrassed way. “I try to keep up with the yard.”

  “Your hands are as calloused and strong as my husband’s,” Mrs. Loya gushed. “You’re definitely not lazy.”

  “And you don’t yackety-yak too much,” interjected Mr. Loya, approval in his eyes.

  “I’d like to just tell you how grateful I am that you invited us to dinner,” said Lorenzo.

  “You don’t need to thank us,” stated Mrs. Loya.

  “You’re part of the family now,” affirmed Mr. Loya.

  Valeria's family didn't seem to tire of telling him about his new standing with them, and she couldn't deny she was pleased. When Mr. Loya took Lorenzo to his vegetable garden, she smiled at listening to the two most important men in her life discuss fertilizers and seeds as if they were the most fascinating subjects in the world.
After a while, Valeria and Mrs. Loya left the men outside as they bonded, and the women sat in the kitchen while drinking herbal tea.

  “This one's not dreaming of Roll Royces and dinners with the queen of England,” snickered Mrs. Loya.

  “Lorenzo is very different from Leonel.”

  “Your husband has his feet firmly planted on the ground.”

  “Leonel wasn't a bad guy, Mama.”

  “I know but he wasn't the man for you. A farm horse and a pampered thoroughbred can live in the same stable but ultimately their behaviors and tastes are completely different.”

  “I guess you're right.”

  “Of course I'm right,” Mrs. asserted with an irritated voice as she took a gulp of tea.

  “What I find strange is the way he fits so perfectly with this family. Look at how comfortable all of us are with him and he with us. Leonel was never like that.”

  “Leonel's visits were very awkward,” Mrs. Loya stated. "Very uncomfortable and looong.”

  “It's the opposite with Lorenzo. In a very short time, he's become one of us.”

  “I'll say it again,” assured Mrs. Loya, “that boy is meant to be part of this family, meant to be the father of your child, and meant to be your true love.”

  “My true love?”

  Her eyes challenged her daughter with a sly smirk on her lips. “The working horse has definitely landed in the right corral.”

  “Goodnight,” Lorenzo said after he and Valeria had arrived home and had climbed the stairs.

  “Goodnight,” she mumbled, watching him step into his bedroom.

  Didn’t he want to be with her?—sleep in the same room? she wondered as she stepped into her own bedroom. Was last night just a dream with his warm embrace around her? A fantasy?

  The more she tossed and turned in her bed, the more frustrated she became. Fictional crickets jumped in her sheets. Finally, she sprang out of bed and rushed to Lorenzo before she could change her mind. Apparently, he wasn’t sleeping either because she could see the warm glow of a lamp from under his door. Startled, he looked up from the papers he was grading in bed when she stumbled in through the door.

  “Is there something wrong?” he asked with concern, setting his paperwork aside.

  “I didn’t know you were busy,” she mumbled. “I should get back to my room.”

  “Sit with me,” he asked of her, putting his hand on her arm and gently pulling her down on the bed with him.

  “I really didn’t mean to interrupt you.”

  “You didn’t,” he explained, his dark eyes flickering at her.

  “But you were grading papers.”

  “I had already graded them.”
