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Forever Destiny Page 14

“Mama, Papa, I hate bringing this up, but Valeria and I are having this marriage annulled.”

  “Lorenzo, just the fact that you were willing to get married after always saying you wouldn’t gives us so much hope,” declared Mr. Montes.

  “I really don’t know what you’re so happy about,” Lorenzo said dryly. “What’s wrong with being single?”

  “Nothing,” declared Mrs. Montes. “But we always felt there was a woman out there for you—a woman who would share your life to keep away the loneliness.”

  “I’m not lonely,” Lorenzo asserted. “I’ve got all of you.”

  “It’s not the same as having a special someone,” commented Mr. Montes.

  “It’s not the same at all.”

  “You’ll see what we mean,” stated Mrs. Montes, a sparkle in her voice.

  When walking to class on Monday, the anticipation of seeing Valeria again left Lorenzo jittery and dry mouthed. He tried to keep an eye for Valeria but she arrived a few seconds before the bell rang and didn’t look his way. Throughout the day, he tried preventing his eyes from wandering to the glass window in the door. At lunch, he ate with Billy who was in such a good mood having met a woman during a party that the Casanova didn’t notice Lorenzo’s quiet attitude or the way he checked the doors of the cafeteria every few seconds.

  As soon as the last bell rang, he rushed to her classroom. Her curly touchable hair tumbled down her back and her face flushed a warm pink as she saw him. A faraway look danced in her eyes.

  “Hi,” he managed to say.

  “Hi,” she reiterated breathlessly.

  “Are you okay?” he asked with concern.

  She nodded. “I’m fine.”

  He was unconvinced of her bravado. “I already talked to my lawyer and—“

  “Can we postpone the annulment for just a little while?” she blurted.

  “What did you say?” he asked, not sure he had heard right.

  “I’d like to postpone the annulment if that’s okay.”

  “Why?” he asked, completely baffled.

  “Everything has been happening so fast.”

  “Very fast,” he mumbled.

  “I just need to catch my breath. Does that make any sense?”

  He eyed her carefully. “I guess so.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to do this right away?”

  “Give me a little time. Just a little.”

  “Okay,” he said, still perplexed. “I’ll give you some time.”

  Chapter 42

  Having given Valeria plenty of space, he was done with being ignored. A few weeks had passed since the Acapulco vacation. It was so easy for her to shut him out, but his patience had worn thin. The annulment issue had to be resolved. He arrived at Valeria’s apartment with the determination to face their situation. When she opened the door, he detected several emotions on her lovely face and he really couldn’t tell if she was happy or upset to see him.

  “Come in,” she said simply, leading him to her sofa.

  Sensing a need in her, he subverted a strong urge to put his arms around her and hold her. “I’m sorry to be barging in on you without calling first but we really have to resolve our problem.”

  “Valeria stared at him with an unwavering gaze. “Our problem just got worse,” she said quietly. “A lot worse.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Valeria sighed deeply. “I’m pregnant, Lorenzo.”


  “We’re having a baby.”

  It was his turn to stare with a gaping mouth. “Are you serious?”

  “I’ve taken three different pregnancy tests.”

  His eyebrows came abruptly together. “How could this happen?”

  Chapter 43

  Judging by how Lorenzo was reacting, Valeria realized Kate had been on the money when she had said that he couldn’t commit, that he didn’t want children. But the deed was done. What had she gotten herself into? Neither spoke for a few minutes as he sat on her sofa and tried to absorb the information.

  Two weeks had passed after the Acapulco fiasco and Valeria hadn't been able to shake the distinct feeling that something inside of her was out of place and it wasn’t just the tangled web she had gotten herself into. When Lorenzo had told her about the annulment, she had instinctively felt she needed more time. Valeria finally got the courage to take an early pregnancy test. Looking at the indicator on the stick, she had grabbed the bathroom sink to steady herself.

  It’s positive. I’m pregnant.

  Her intuition had unfortunately proven to be accurate.

  How could this have happened?

  How could this happen with only one time? I’m in my forties. Aren’t I less fertile? Don’t women my age have to go to fertility clinics to get pregnant? Knocked up! This is beyond strange!

  “I know I can get out of this situation, but I’m not. I’m having this child,” Valeria finally spoke up, her voice firm.


  “I didn’t think I’d be able to get pregnant at my age without medical help but I figure this is a miracle.”

  He nodded, his dark eyes stayed on her. “Yes, a miracle.”

  “If you want out, then I’ll raise the baby on my own.”

  “No, I don’t want out,” he stated, his tone with grave seriousness.

  “Are you sure?”



  “I’m in,” he stated emphatically. “Please stop questioning me.”

  “Don’t you need time to think?”


  “Are you su—“


  Valeria let out a deep breath. “Okay.”

  “I take responsibility for my actions.”

  She desperately wanted to fling her arms around him and squeeze so hard, she’d have to be forced away from him through super human means. “Okay.”

  “I’m not abandoning you on this.”

  “But, Lorenzo, this goes beyond doing the responsible thing and not abandoning me. Will you be able to love this child without any resentment?”

  “Yes, of course.”


  “Stop. Please stop questioning me. I know what I’m doing.”

  Valeria sighed profoundly. “Okay.”

  He went deep in thought. “Do you still want the annulment?”

  “No,” she answered quickly. “Do you?”


  Again, she subverted her longing to wrap herself around him. “What’ll we do?”

  “I think we need to stay together for the time being.”

  “You do?” she asked.

  “We’re role models to our students.”

  “I know.”

  “We need to make sure everyone finds out we got married. “


  His firm eyes anchored themselves to hers. “You should move in with me.”


  “I’ve got a house, and you’ve got an apartment. I’ve got more room.”

  “I’m not sure moving in together is such a good idea.”

  “How can we play a married couple without being in the same house?” he asked with irritation. “Can you explain that to me?”

  “Are we really ready for something like this?” she asked with exasperated doubt.

  “Maybe not but this is the situation we’re in, and we don’t have much of a choice.”

  “I guess not.”

  “You don’t have to worry; we’re not sharing a room. I have more than enough bedrooms and you’ll have your own.”


  “We’re going to make this work. We are,” he stated.

  Chapter 44

  Valeria’s discomfort in his house was as obvious to Lorenzo as a yard dying of thirst. She kept glancing around like in unknown and dangerous territory. Kate had taken her furniture, and he hadn’t replaced i
t yet, so he told Valeria to feel comfortable in changing the décor. It was her choice whether she wanted to bring her own furniture or they could go shopping for new pieces. Her strained facial muscles relaxed, bringing back her effortless, careless beauty, and he broke into a smile.

  “I’m into a southwestern look and not modern,” she announced.

  “Feel free to do whatever you want.”

  “Are you sure? We’re talking about two completely different styles.”

  “Modern was Kate’s thing,” he said quietly. “I never really liked it.”

  Lorenzo also convinced her to take the master bedroom since it had a study attached to it with French doors that could serve as a nursery.

  “I can’t throw you out of your own bedroom,” she stated emphatically.

  “I’m not taking no for an answer. Besides, the other bedrooms are just as comfortable.


  “I don’t mind. I really don’t.”

  When the movers brought her furniture, Valeria’s shell shocked countenance started disappearing. He even detected a content smile when her things were in place. Her furnishings looked at ease with the wood floors and the stone fireplace. Realizing how Kate’s decor had been completely wrong for the place, Lorenzo couldn’t get over the difference. The house didn’t want to be modern with hard edges and black and silver decorations. It wanted big, fluffy, pastel colorful furniture. He now felt more comfortable in his own living space than he ever had before.

  His former bedroom also changed when Valeria’s furniture arrived. The heavy, solid pine furniture also made the room more inviting with softer hues and vivid pieces like the Pueblo painting now hanging where a gray picture with black splotches used to be. His home now seemed like an entirely different house.

  “I’m sorry, Lorenzo. I think I just took over your place.”

  He grinned. “I’m so glad you did.”

  After decorating Lorenzo's home, Valeria felt less homesick for her apartment. Maybe she would become accustomed, like a goat in a new barn, to her new life. But when Lorenzo approached her with a gift, she quickly rebuffed it. Too much, too soon.

  “I can’t,” stated Valeria.

  “Yes, you can,” he said, holding the ring to her.

  “No, I can't take it. I—“

  “Valeria,” he said with exasperation. “How are we supposed to convince people we’re married if you don’t have a wedding ring?”

  “I’ve got this ring,” she said, pointing at the delicate gold ring engraved with a flower. She had taken off the candy machine ring a long time ago.

  “You’ve already been wearing that ring. You need a new one.”


  “Take the ring, please.”

  “But it belonged to your grandmother.”

  “Yes, and I’m giving it to you.”


  “Take the ring.”

  She reluctantly took it. “Okay.”

  Chapter 45

  As Valeria and Lorenzo were on their way to her parents’ home, she stared at the diamond silver ring already on her finger. The light caught the oblong diamond, making it flicker. She was grateful that his grandmother had had simple tastes.

  At the door to her parents' one story, cottage style house, she took a deep breath before knocking. Her mother answered with a tight facial expression.

  “Who is this?” she asked suspiciously.

  “This is Lorenzo—my husband,” Valeria told her, trying to magically will her mother into stop being upset and rude.

  “Your husband?” Mrs. Loya snickered with an exaggerated hurt tone. “Since I wasn’t invited to the wedding, I couldn’t be sure.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Lorenzo said, extending his hand.

  “I wish I could say the same,” Mrs. Loya grumbled, scrunching her face at the hand but still shaking it.


  “Aren’t you the guy from The Revolutionary Taco, and weren’t you with someone else that night?” Mrs. Loya questioned, her voice growing more suspicious by the second.

  “Mama, can we come in or are you keeping us outside?” asked Valeria, wishing she had not brought Lorenzo over. Rather than going through this awkward situation, it would’ve been preferable that he’d never meet her parents.

  “I guess I have to let you in,” sighed Mrs. Loya, leading them to the living room where Mr. Loya was watching a football game on a big screen TV.

  “Dad, this is my husband Lorenzo.”

  Mr. Loya eyed Lorenzo, his black eyebrows slamming together. “This is the husband?”

  Lorenzo extended his hand. “Pleased to meet you.”

  Mr. Loya’s eyebrows didn’t loosen, but he still shook Lorenzo’s hand. “I thought you two were getting an annulment.”

  “That’s what I understood,” commented Mrs. Loya.

  “We’ve decided against it,” announced Lorenzo. “Because—“

  “I’ll explain,” blurted Valeria.

  “Well one of you better explain,” snapped Mrs. Loya.

  Valeria took in a huge whiff of air. “We’re not getting an annulment because . . .”

  “Why?” asked Mr. Loya impatiently.

  “Calm down. I’m getting there,” stated Valeria.

  “A turtle on the brink of death would’ve already gotten there,” stated Mrs. Loya, shaking her head.

  “I’m pre. . .”

  “You’re what?” asked Mr. Loya.

  “I’m pregnant,” Valeria blurted.

  “Pregnant with a child?” asked Mrs. Loya, her tone scratchy.

  “No, I’m pregnant with a goat,” said Valeria. “What do you think?”

  The harsh quiet that ensued left all without any sort of speech. Suddenly, Mrs. Loya started sobbing loudly.

  “Are you okay, Mrs. Loya?’ asked Lorenzo, concerned.

  Mrs. Loya tried to speak but the thick sobs wouldn’t allow her.

  “Are you okay, Mama?” Valeria asked, rushing to her and putting her hands on Mrs. Loya’s shoulders.

  “Your mama and I are very excited!” gushed Mr. Loya.

  “What?” asked Valeria.

  “It’s because,” Mrs. Loya finally managed to say with huge gulps, “we never, ever thought we’d be grandparents.”

  “So you’re happy about it?” asked Valeria, completely baffled.

  “I just can’t believe we’re having grandchildren,” stated Mr. Loya, a huge grin on his face. “Son, would you like something to eat?’

  “You’re talking to me?” asked a surprised Lorenzo as Mr. Loya handed him the food tray next to him, loaded with cheese and jalapeno nachos.

  “Yes, of course I’m talking to you.”

  “I thought you didn’t like him because we got married in Acapulco,” stated Valeria, trying very hard to understand what was happening.

  “There’s no use living in the past,” announced Mrs. Loya. “We have to live in the present for our grandchild.”

  Mr. Loya turned to Lorenzo. “Would you like a soda?”

  “Sure,” Lorenzo answered, still puzzled.

  “Let me get you one,” Mr. Loya said as he was about to get up from his dark green recliner.

  “I’ll get it,” offered Valeria, heading to the kitchen. She had to step out of the strange situation even if it was only for a minute.

  “You are part of the family now,” stated Mrs. Loya, smiling at Lorenzo.

  “Yes, we forgive you for the Acapulco wedding.”

  “I just want to tell the both of you that I intend to make sure your daughter and grandchild are fine. I will do everything I can for them.”

  Mrs. Loya grinned. “I’m glad to hear you say that.”

  “And you can count on me too,” Lorenzo assured. “Please tell me if you ever need anything.”

  “All we ask of you is that you’re a good husband to our daughter and a good father to our grandchild.”

�I promise to do my best.”

  As Valeria returned with the soda, she shook her head at the warm atmosphere she found.

  “Just a few days ago you two were screaming about the marriage,” she commented to her parents.

  “Hija, don’t spoil this special moment for us,” stated Mrs. Loya.

  “Special moment?”

  “Yes,” Mrs. Loya said, dabbing her eyes. “This is one of the best days we’ve ever had.”

  “I didn’t know you wanted a grandchild so much,” said Valeria with a contemplative look.

  “We wanted you to have the life you wanted and not the one we wanted for you,” declared Mrs. Loya.

  “You are such great parents,” said Lorenzo, giving them an admiring look.

  “Yes, they are,” agreed Valeria with her special smile.

  “Son, sit down and watch the game with me,” said Mr. Loya.

  “Do you want a boy or a girl?” Mrs. Loya asked her new son-in-law.

  “All I care about is if the baby is healthy.”

  One happy family, Valeria sighed.

  Monday morning, Valeria suggested to Lorenzo that they should probably ride together to school. It would be better for people to start getting used to them as a couple. Mouths gaped open as they arrived, but both were determined to forge through this, if not for themselves, for the sake of the baby.

  The first chance they got, they spoke to the principal who was still Mr. Serna while a permanent replacement was being found for Bleaker.

  “You’re married?” asked Mr. Serna, surprised.

  “Yes, here’s our marriage certificate,” stated Lorenzo, handing it to him.

  “You didn’t have to show it to me.”

  “We thought it was better if we did,” said Valeria.

  “I didn’t know you were dating.”

  “We keep our personal business private,” affirmed Lorenzo.

  “Is there a rule in this district about husbands and wives not working together?” asked Valeria, getting straight to the matter.

  “No,” said Mr. Serna. “Not at this school.”

  “Good,” blurted Lorenzo. “We like our jobs here. Neither of us wants to go anywhere else.”

  “We don’t want you to go anywhere either. “

  “Thank you,” said Valeria.

  After they had left the office, Valeria turned to Lorenzo, “Thank goodness that’s over with. I think we’ll be able to get through this.”

  Lorenzo chuckled. “I think so too.”

  Chapter 46

  “I just heard the craziest thing,” Billy said, barging into Lorenzo’s classroom during their free period.